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Υπάρχουν στιγμές, που νιώθω μια έντονη επιθυμία να μεταφέρω τις εσωτερικές μου σκέψεις σε χαρτί, ζωντανεύοντας τα όνειρά μου. Για τους λάτρεις των χρωματιστών μολυβιών, η χρήση τους μπορεί να ενισχύσει σημαντικά την καλλιτεχνική έκφραση. Στη δική μου Τέχνη, χρησιμοποιώ χρωματιστά μολύβια για το ευρύ φάσμα δυνατοτήτων τους, το οποίο μπορεί να αλλάξει δραματικά την εμφάνιση των έργων τέχνης μου. Η κατοχή χρωματιστών μολυβιών είναι μια συναρπαστική πρόκληση. Μπορείς να τα ανακατέψεις και να τα μετατρέψεις, να τα αλλοιώσεις, να τα μεταμορφώσεις. Αυτή η συλλογή περιλαμβάνει έργα κατασκευασμένα με κάρβουνο, μελάνι, γραφίτη, παστέλ και χρωματιστά μολύβια, όλα τοποθετημένα σε ειδικό χαρτί 100% βαμβακερό, ελεύθερο οξέων και χλωρίου έτσι ώστε να έχει τις υψηλότερες δυνατές αντοχές στο χρόνο, με ημιάγρια επιφάνεια. Κάθε κομμάτι εμπλουτίζεται περαιτέρω με επαγγελματικούς μαρκαδόρους και πένες μεταλλικής υφής, προσφέροντας έντονες προσμίξεις και φινιρίσματα.



There are times, I feel a strong urge to transfer my inner thoughts onto paper, bringing my visions to life. For enthusiasts of colored pencils, these instruments can significantly enhance the artistic expression. In my own art, I employ colored pencils for their broad spectrum of capabilities, which can dramatically alter the appearance of my art pieces. Mastering colored pencils is an engaging challenge; they enable me to create blends, mixes, and introduce new layers. This assortment features works made with charcoal, ink, graphite, pastel, and colored pencils, all laid on superior, acid-free artist's paper with a mildly textured surface. Each piece is further enriched with metallic pens and colored markers, offering rich textures and dimensions.

All of my drawings are signed on front. 


Annita Apostolidou Platis

 Visual Artist

Painter | Exhibition Essayist | Curator| Fashion and Jewelry Designer | Interior Designer | Poet and Writer


All images are protected by copyright

© copyright by Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved

Downloading, reprinting, copying, reproduction and use of images without permission is prohibited.


Pandemic chronicles

©copyright 2020, Annita Apostolidou Platis.

All rights reserved.



“Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.”

— Martin Luther King Jr.

Life comes with many challenges. We are braver than we believe, stronger than we seem. - Annita A.


Details: drawing with charcoal and colored pencils on a paper with a rough surface, blendings and finishes with acrylic colors and details with colored markers.


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“Ohana” By Annita A.

©copyright 2020, Annita Apostolidou Platis.

All rights reserved.


Ohana means flower.

This is the name of my Gheisha.

I always admired Gheisha’s style. It is a world of willows and flowers, a tinted world of mystery that originates in Kyoto. The word geisha literally means “artisan”. These artists practice the traditional Japanese arts, and are purveyors of Japanese culture. I believe they have something unique and magical. They look like they came from another world.

While I was drawing I wanted to make everyone see Gheisha’s secret universe and how elusive they can be.


Details: drawings with charcoal and colored pencils on a paper with a rough surface, blendings and finishes with metallic pens and colored markers.


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“A world of deception - La vie en rose” By Annita A.

©copyright 2020, Annita Apostolidou Platis.

All rights reserved.


La Vie en Rose

One of Edith Piaf’s most famous and beloved songs. It has been covered and interpreted by many famous artists, including Louis Armstrong (who sang an English interpretation of the lyrics).

La Vie en Rose is about finding new love after a trying time, and many people saw it as an anthem of hope as it was released shortly after the end of World War 2.

The song’s central metaphor — of seeing the world afresh, through rose-tinted glasses made me draw.

We live in a world of deception, with fast changes. It is one of my favourite songs so it is always an inspiration for me.

As a hymn to a love affair so beautiful that it allows the singer to forget all “les ennuis, les chagrins” (weariness and grief), it seems like it is written for a world full of sadness but wrapped inside a colourful package.

Like the song can travel through time, through years.

This is a drawing with a metaphorical meaning.


Details: drawings with charcoal and coloured pencils on a paper with a rough surface, blending and finishes with metallic pens and coloured markers.


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“Your Mind Is A Garden” By Annita A.

©copyright 2020, Annita Apostolidou Platis.

All rights reserved.


I love to draw flowers.

I always choose flowers with a meaning.

Chrysanthemum and magnolia are so wonderful. They signify a love of nature and honesty.


Details: drawings with charcoal and coloured pencils on a paper with a rough surface, blending and finishes with metallic pens and coloured markers.



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©copyright 2020, Annita Apostolidou Platis.

All rights reserved.


"I open myself

Want to tell so many

I start with great enthusiasm

Laughing like a child


But you always wait in the shadows

To put me in a frozen cage

Sending me a cold wind


Warning me to stop


Sadness embrace my heartbeat

But how can I live?

Only love keeps my soul alive

And now you send me frozen tears

And there’s no sign of fire"


by Annita A.

There are moments that I am so full of emotions that I want to put my thoughts on a paper. Sadness or happiness, love or anger, feeling satisfied or lost. Emotions are complex but all part of our life. From drawing and writing I always express myself.

Details: drawings with charcoal and coloured pencils on a paper with a rough surface, blending and finishes with metallic pens, acrylic colors and coloured markers.



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“Mad Hatter” By Annita A.

©copyright 2020, Annita Apostolidou Platis.

All rights reserved.


The Mad Hatter with his unanswerable riddles and nonsensical poetry…always a very interesting character in Lewis Carrol’s novel.

This is my version of Mad Hatter.

A sophisticated girl that doesn’t like Time.


Details: drawings with charcoal and coloured pencils on a paper with a rough surface, blending and finishes with metallic pens and coloured markers.



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The Unspoken Tales Our Eyes Tell -By Annita A.

©copyright 2020, Annita Apostolidou Platis.

All rights reserved.


I always loved to draw eyes.

So many stories you can find inside them. It is like a mirror of a soul. When I have an inspiration I usually write down my thoughts and I draw. I am pleased to invite you to my own world of Art!

Details: drawings with charcoal and pencils on a paper with a rough surface.


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xmas girl wish 2020.jpg

What is Christmas...?  -By Annita A.

©copyright 2020, Annita Apostolidou Platis.

All rights reserved.


"So, what is Christmas?....

Is it nostalgia for the past..? Is it courage for the present?...

Plans...hope for the future...?


Christmas is not a is a state of mind and spirit...

It's a feeling. It lies in our hearts.


Christmas means a little bit more...! Christmas is a necessity. Christmas is forever ... to remind us that health, love, share, give, are so important...


Open your heart and feel...

It is magic we all need..." 



thoughts written by Annita A.

Details: drawings with charcoal, ink, colored pencils and acrylic on a paper with a rough surface.


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