Faces & Characters
Faces & Characters
The "Faces & Characters" collection stands as a vivid testament to the power of imagination, inspired by dreams, emotions, and fleeting moments of life. This body of work invites viewers into a world where hidden thoughts and unspoken narratives take shape through expressive faces and captivating characters.
Each painting is more than a visual; it is a journey into an inner, magical realm—a place where stories unfold in silence yet speak profoundly to the myriad complexities of human existence.
At the heart of this collection lies the mysterious connection between women and nature, a theme that weaves its way through the compositions with sensitivity, romance, and surrealism. These works explore femininity as a force of both mystery and strength, where the harmony of natural elements and human emotion creates an intimate and timeless dialogue.
Every canvas becomes a portal into a sacred universe, where delicate moments of seduction, silent beauty, and untold stories invite reflection. This interplay of emotions and environments blurs the boundaries between reality and fantasy, offering a glimpse into the unseen, the unspoken, and the deeply personal.
The bold act of signing each painting on the front transforms it into more than a creation—it becomes a declaration, a piece of my soul immortalized. These works are expressions of my personal journey, reflections of life’s mysteries, and an offering to those who seek connection through art.
The use of acrylic colors, accented by ink, colored pencils, charcoal pencils, and metallic pens, enriches the vibrancy and texture of each piece. The collection is further deepened by its poetic accompaniment—each painting is paired with a poem that unveils the inspiration and inner voyage behind the work.
While this collection is no longer available, its spirit remains alive, a timeless chapter in my creative story. "Faces & Characters" is a celebration of life’s complexity and imagination, a window into the essence of the human experience, shared with the world through my eyes.
Archival Note
The "Faces & Characters" collection is no longer available for purchase. However, it remains an important part of my artistic narrative and serves as an inspiration for future works.
Πρόσωπα & Χαρακτήρες
Η συλλογή "Πρόσωπα & Χαρακτήρες" αποτελεί μια ζωντανή μαρτυρία της δύναμης της φαντασίας, εμπνευσμένη από όνειρα, συναισθήματα και φευγαλέες στιγμές της ζωής. Αυτό το σώμα δουλειάς προσκαλεί τους θεατές σε έναν κόσμο όπου κρυμμένες σκέψεις και άρρητοι αφηγήσεις παίρνουν μορφή μέσα από εκφραστικά πρόσωπα και συναρπαστικούς χαρακτήρες.
Κάθε πίνακας δεν είναι απλώς μια οπτική σύνθεση· είναι ένα ταξίδι σε έναν εσωτερικό, μαγικό κόσμο – έναν χώρο όπου ιστορίες ξεδιπλώνονται στη σιωπή αλλά μιλούν βαθιά για τις πολυπλοκότητες της ανθρώπινης ύπαρξης.
Στον πυρήνα αυτής της συλλογής βρίσκεται η μυστηριώδης σύνδεση μεταξύ των γυναικών και της φύσης, ένα θέμα που διατρέχει τις συνθέσεις με ευαισθησία, ρομαντισμό και σουρεαλισμό. Αυτά τα έργα εξερευνούν τη θηλυκότητα ως δύναμη γεμάτη μυστήριο και αντοχή, όπου η αρμονία των φυσικών στοιχείων και των ανθρώπινων συναισθημάτων δημιουργεί έναν οικείο και διαχρονικό διάλογο.
Κάθε καμβάς γίνεται μια πύλη σε ένα ιερό σύμπαν, όπου ευαίσθητες στιγμές αποπλάνησης, σιωπηλής ομορφιάς και ανείπωτων ιστοριών προσκαλούν τον θεατή σε προβληματισμό. Αυτή η αλληλεπίδραση συναισθημάτων και περιβαλλόντων θολώνει τα όρια μεταξύ πραγματικότητας και φαντασίας, προσφέροντας μια ματιά στο αθέατο, το άρρητο και το βαθιά προσωπικό.
Η υπογραφή κάθε πίνακα στο μπροστινό μέρος τον μετατρέπει σε κάτι περισσότερο από μια δημιουργία – γίνεται μια δήλωση, ένα κομμάτι της ψυχής μου που έχει αποτυπωθεί για πάντα. Αυτά τα έργα είναι εκφράσεις της προσωπικής μου διαδρομής, αντανακλάσεις των μυστηρίων της ζωής και μια προσφορά σε όσους αναζητούν σύνδεση μέσα από την τέχνη.
Η χρήση ακρυλικών χρωμάτων, με πινελιές από μελάνι, χρωματιστά μολύβια, κάρβουνο και μεταλλικά στυλό, εμπλουτίζει τη ζωντάνια και την υφή κάθε έργου. Η συλλογή αποκτά μεγαλύτερο βάθος μέσω των ποιημάτων που τη συνοδεύουν – κάθε πίνακας συνοδεύεται από ένα ποίημα που αποκαλύπτει την έμπνευση και την εσωτερική πορεία πίσω από τη δημιουργία.
Αν και αυτή η συλλογή δεν είναι πλέον διαθέσιμη, το πνεύμα της παραμένει ζωντανό, ένα διαχρονικό κεφάλαιο στην καλλιτεχνική μου ιστορία. Η συλλογή "Πρόσωπα & Χαρακτήρες" είναι ένας εορτασμός της πολυπλοκότητας της ζωής και της ομορφιάς της φαντασίας, ένα παράθυρο στην ουσία της ανθρώπινης εμπειρίας, μοιρασμένο με τον κόσμο μέσα από τα δικά μου μάτια.
Αρχειακή Σημείωση
Η συλλογή "Πρόσωπα & Χαρακτήρες" αποτελεί ένα πολύτιμο μέρος της καλλιτεχνικής μου πορείας και δεν είναι πλέον διαθέσιμη προς πώληση. Ωστόσο, η κληρονομιά της συνεχίζει να εμπνέει και να αγγίζει, λειτουργώντας ως γέφυρα μεταξύ των παλαιότερων δημιουργιών μου και των μελλοντικών καλλιτεχνικών μου αναζητήσεων.
Annita Apostolidou Platis
Visual Artist
Painter | Exhibition Essayist | Curator| Fashion and Jewelry Designer | Interior Designer | Poet and Writer
All measurements are in cm.
All images are protected by copyright
© copyright by Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved
Downloading, reprinting, copying, reproduction and use of images without permission is prohibited.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Tropical
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 140 cm (height) x 80 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
Walking quietly
Like morning breeze
With a sweet scent of cherry
A princess in a white kimono dress
Embroidered with
golden thread
Painted with words
of Immortal love
Always mysterious
With that look
Which is understood by few
But only you
have the ability
to understand
Unique like
A double sunrise rainbow
Dreamy like
A romantic sunset
Stormy like
A deep ocean
She lives in your dreams
The wind is filled with cherry blossoms
This is a sign
She is coming
….just like Spring
Annita A.
Περπατώντας αθόρυβα
Σαν το πρωινό αεράκι
Με γλυκό άρωμα κερασιάς
Πριγκίπισσα μέσα σε λευκό κιμονό
Κεντημένο με χρυσή κλωστή
Ζωγραφισμένο με λέξεις αθάνατης αγάπης
Μυστηριώδης όπως πάντα
Με εκείνο το βλέμμα
Που λίγοι καταλαβαίνουν
Μα μόνο εσυ διαβάζεις
Μοναδική σαν διπλό ουράνιο τόξο την αυγή
Ονειρική σαν ρομαντικό ηλιοβασίλεμα
Τρικυμιώδης σαν βαθυς ωκεανός
Ζει στα όνειρα σου
Γέμισε ο άνεμος με άνθη κερασιάς
σημάδι πως εκείνη έρχεται
...σαν την άνοιξη
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Lioness
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 100 cm (height) x 70 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
Wherever I am
Whatever I do
I always find myself
trying to escape...
Far away...
In a place I feel free
In a world of colourful thoughts
Inside my dream palace...
Annita A.
Όπου κι αν βρίσκομαι,
ότι κι αν κάνω,
πάντα βρίσκω τον εαυτό μου να θέλει να δραπετεύσει...
μακριά ...
εκεί που νιώθω ελεύθερη..
στον κόσμο των πολύχρωμων σκέψεων,
στο παλάτι των ονείρων
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Colorful Soul
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 80 cm (height) x 150 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
"You say...
Lost in the night
Into footpaths of your paper eyes
Compass your voice
But maybe there are trap's words
that scored with china ink
Once upon a time
Everything in life has a start
and everything has an end
You say...
Annita A.
Σε νύχτες χάθηκα
Στα μονοπάτια των ματιών σου τα χάρτινα
Πυξίδα η φωνή
Μα ίσως να’ναι παγίδας λόγια
Που χαράχτηκαν με σινική μελάνη
Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό
Όλα έχουν μια αρχή
Κι όλα ένα τέλος
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Ornamental
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 110 cm (height) x 80 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
I'm watching the hours
with great daring
I'm trying to leave away
But the truth is I'm staying
And I'm always searching for a familiar look
To tell me the truth I want to hear so desperately
But lie wins once again...
Annita A.
Κοιτάζω με τόλμη τις ώρες
Κάνω πως φεύγω
Μα έλα που μένω
Κι όλο ψάχνω ένα γνώριμο βλέμμα
Να μου πει μια αλήθεια που θέλω
Μα το ψέμα κερδίζει ξανά...
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Queen Of Hearts
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 180 cm (height) x 80 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
Your coat I'm wearing
So you will smell my scent
Oriental air
with notes of amber
I embroidered stories
black and white pictures
with secret lyrics
I put inside the pocket
a Queen of Hearts
Because my darling
I will always be your
one and only queen
Annita A.
Το παλτό σου φορώ,
να έχει το άρωμα μου
Ανατολής αέρας,
κεχριμπαρένιες νότες
Του κέντησα ιστορίες
Ασπρόμαυρες εικόνες
Με στίχους μυστικούς
Του έβαλα στην τσέπη
Και μία ντάμα κούπα
Γιατί βασίλισσα σου
Θα είμαι πάντα εγώ
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Mystic
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 150 cm (height) x 70 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
There are times
that you make me feel angry
I close the doors
I raise walls
So high
so you can't climb
You're asking for a key
You're shouting:
" Only with you I'm alive, only with you I can dream"
And I'm looking at you
To see your eyes
If they are telling the truth
And the wall falls down
And you say
" You are the only one that gives colour into my black and white life..
The conclusion is one my love..
I can't breath without you"
Annita A.
Είναι φορές που με θυμώνεις
και κλείνω πόρτες
Σηκώνω τοίχο
Ψηλό να μην ανέβεις
Ζητάς κλειδί
"Μόνο μαζί σου ζω και ονειρεύομαι"
Και εγώ κοιτώ
Να δω τα μάτια σου
αν λένε την αλήθεια
Κι ο τοίχος πέφτει
Και εσύ μου λες
"Μονάχα εσύ δίνεις το χρώμα στην ασπρόμαυρη ζωή μου...
Το συμπέρασμά μου είναι ένα.
Δεν έχω αναπνοή χωρίς εσένα"
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Dream Catcher
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 100 cm (height) x 90 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
In the air I am moving like a sphere
In parallel universe I walk
I run… I fall
I am in hell… In Tartarus
But I am moving up fast again…
A raging fire..
A fireball that burns
But never hurts
Nothing is predictable
Nothing is simple
I am walking in an unknown rhythm
And my silence is growing faster
My look is breaking and freezing to death
But time never stops….
Annita A.
Στον αέρα κινούμαι σαν σφαίρα
Σε παράλληλα σύμπαντα ακροβατώ
Τρεχω ...πέφτω
Φτάνω στα Τάρταρα
Μα ανεβαίνω και πάλι ψηλά ...
Πύρινη φλόγα που καίει
Μα δεν κάνει ποτέ της κακό
Τίποτα δεν έχω προβλέψιμο
Τίποτα δεν έχω απλό
Βαδίζω σε άγνωστο ρυθμό
Κι η σιωπή μου μεγαλώνει
Το βλέμμα μου σπάει και παγώνει
Μα ο χρόνος δε σταματά ...
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Finding My Way
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 150 cm (height) x 140 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
"I put colors
I stole blue
so I can draw the sea
A big sky
The Moon and the stars
But I didn't forget the lightning
So I can find my way
through the darkness
I also draw a thunder
Just to hear your voice
So I never loose
my road
The road that will bring me
close to you
with no brakes..."
Annita A.
"Έβαλα χρώματα
Έκλεψα μπλε
Να φτιάξω πέλαγος
Έναν μεγάλο ουρανό
Αστέρια και φεγγάρι
Δε ξεχασα την αστραπή
Για να’χω φως
Μες το σκοτάδι
Ζωγράφισα και κεραυνό
Για να ακούω τη φωνή
Στο δρόμο
Μην χαθώ
Που θα με πάει σε σένα
Δίχως φρένα"
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Inner Blossom
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 150 cm (height) x 80 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
I regret
Because whatever I feel
and whatever I think
I reveal
That I'm writing my thoughts, my dreams
But I tear them apart
and I feel angry
That I spread my hands
without fear
Without.. regret
That I'm always looking
with baby's eyes
But once again
I regret...
That I'm giving everything
My soul, my heart, my body
But I charge myself about it
So many words
are flying like birds
But once again
I regret...
'Why are you crying..."
is asking my mind
"You are flying
so high, you never stop...
Why are you looking behind..."
And I'm walking off
I'm flying and I'm moving forward
But I don't regret it
And once again I lock
I throw away the key
So no one can find it
and see that I...
Annita A.
Που ότι νιώθω
Κι ότι σκέφτομαι
Εγώ το φανερώνω
Που γράφω σκέψεις, όνειρα
Τα σκίζω και θυμώνω
Που απλώνω χέρια Άφοβα
Χωρίς ...να μετανιώνω
Που κοιτάζω πάντα
Με μάτια παιδικά
Μα πάλι ..
Που τα δίνω όλα
Ψυχή, καρδιά και σώμα
Μα πόσο μου το χρεώνω
Αχ, Τόσα λόγια
Πετάνε σαν πουλιά
και πάλι
Τι κλαις, μου λέει το μυαλό
Αφού εσυ πετάς
Ψηλά , δεν σταματάς..
γιατί πίσω κοιτάς...
Κι εγώ ...αποχωρώ
Πετώ και Προχωρώ
Μα δεν ...
Το Μετανιώνω
Και πάλι εγώ κλειδώνω
Πετώ και το κλειδί
Να μην το βρει κάνεις
Και δει πως ...
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Butterfly Moment
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 160 cm (height) x 90 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
Look carefully..
Inside your private moments
Into the small things
you may disregard
Inside your unique routes
As you are absent minded
looking around
and searching for things
that they don't have logical explanation
Why are you always wondering
if I have same thoughts as you have ...
I'm always there ..
I step on quietly
on your footstep
and I go along with you
The breath my soul desires
has been captured in your laughter
Life has been eternally trapped inside your eyes...
Annita A.
Κοίταξε λίγο πιο προσεκτικά…
Στις ιδιαίτερες στιγμές σου
Στα ασήμαντα που παραβλέπεις
Στις μοναδικές διαδρομές σου
Σαν κοιτάς αφηρημένη γύρω σου και ψάχνεις τα ανεξήγητα
Γιατί απορείς αν έχω ίδιες σκέψεις….Είμαι διαρκώς εκεί
Πατώ αθόρυβα στο βήμα σου και κείνο με πηγαίνει
Στο γέλιο σου έχει πιαστεί, η ανάσα που ζητάει η ψυχή μου
Στο βλέμμα σου παγιδεύτηκε για πάντα η ζωή….
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Mirror Mirror
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 150 cm (height) x 100 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
"Mirror Mirror"
"And when the stars start to disappear
I'm hiding into the absolute black of the night
I'm walking quietly
and I'm getting closer
like a warm air
So I can steel your thoughts
and your secret desires"
Annita A.
"Κι όταν τα άστρα χάνονται,
κρύβομαι στο απόλυτο μαύρο της νύχτας,
αθόρυβα περπατώ και πλησιάζω
σαν ζεστός άνεμος,
για να μπορέσω να κλέψω τις σκέψεις και τις κρυφές επιθυμίες σου"
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Senses
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 120 cm (height) x 120 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
The fragrance
A source of inspiration
Pure magic
A real mystery
Eastern paths
Scent of Amber
Jasmin and magnolia
An essential garden
A memory
One touch
An unfulfilled dream
The one you can’t see
You can’t even feel
But remains unforgettable
Your identity
Your particularity
Annita A.
Το άρωμα
Πηγή έμπνευσης
Μία μαγεία
Ένα μυστήριο
Μονοπάτια ανατολής
Μυρωδιές κεχριμπαριού
Γιασεμί και μανόλια
Κήπος αισθησιακός
Μία μνήμη
Ένα άγγιγμα
Ένα όνειρο απραγματοποίητο
Αυτό που δε μπορείς να δεις
Ούτε να νιώσεις
Όμως μένει αξέχαστο
Η ταυτότητά σου
Η ιδιαιτερότητά σου
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: I am Everywhere
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 120 cm (height) x 120 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
"I can transform
into whatever I want
I'm not leaving
Maybe you can't understand
or feeling my presence
but I am always there
When you are listening to a song
I am the lyrics...
When you are hearing a happy laughter
and you turn around
just to see where it came from
I am...
I am the sound of blowing leaves
When you hear the wind whispering
I am....
When you are hearing the rain
I am the angry clouds
I bring the sun
I am gently caressing your face
I am the reflection in your mirror
You are the reason of my journey
I know that you can't understand it
Someday you will...."
"Παίρνω τη μορφή
από ότι θέλω
Δε φεύγω
Είμαι πάντα εκεί
Κι ας μην καταλαβαίνεις
Στα τραγούδια που ακούς
Στο χαρούμενο γέλιο που σε ξαφνιάζει και γυρίζεις να δεις
από που έρχεται
Στο θρόισμα των φύλλων
Στο ψίθυρο του ανέμου
Πίσω από τα θυμωμένα σύννεφα της βροχής
Στις ζεστές ηλιαχτίδες που χαϊδεύουν το πρόσωπο
Στον καθρέφτη που κοιτάς
Εσυ με «ταξιδεύεις»
Κι ας μην καταλαβαίνεις..."
Annita A

Artwork Presentation
Title: Hide and Seek
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 150 cm (height) x 80 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
Behind the glance
A travel is hiding
Right before your eyes
Are reflecting silhouettes
You look like a star
Silver, full of gemstones
As you are walking
I can hear voices
Whispers, secrets
I believe I’m alive
That I’m existing inside you
I feel that I owe you a thousand years
Thousand moments
Vivid senses
Amber fragrances
But I cannot give a color
So I can fulfill the heart
That waits separately for years
So please don’t ask me
Why I’m not talking to you
I have nothing to say
I walk out
Silent, in the shadows
Dark as black
I want to disappear very fast
Because I don’t have a life
It is all my fault...
Annita A.
"Είναι που πίσω από το βλέμμα
Κρύβεται το ταξίδι
Είναι που στα μάτια
Καθρεφτίζονται μορφές
Είναι που μοιάζεις με αστέρι
Ασημένιο γεμάτο πετράδια
Είναι που περπατάς
Και ακούγονται φωνές
Ψίθυροι , μυστικά
Είναι που νομίζω πως ζω
Μέσα σου πως υπάρχω ακόμα
Είναι που νιώθω πως χρωστώ
Σε σένα χίλια χρόνια
Χιλιες στιγμές
Αισθήσεις ζωηρές
Κεχριμπαριού αρώματα
Είναι που δε μπορώ
Να δώσω ούτε ένα χρωμα
Για να γεμίσει την καρδιά
Που περιμένει χρόνια χώρια
Γι’αυτο μη με ρωτάς
Γιατί δε σου μιλώ
Δεν έχω τι να πω
Κι αποχωρώ
Βουβός και σκοτεινός
Γρήγορα να χαθώ
Μιας και δε ζω
Για όλα φταίω εγώ"
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Sunflower
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 170 cm (height) x 80 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
Golden Sunbeams…
A laughter like a golden wave
embraces the Sunflower
It creates an illusion
It plays hide and seek
between leaves
that flutter with love
Its tear seems like rain that fades,
its color faints slowly
A red cloth asks to cover its secret
so no one can see the thorn that bled its heart
Love is a pixie
With no logical explanation
Passion extinguished the scent and the beauty
from one of sunflowers
that they are playing with the sun
But at the end they are burnt….
Annita A.
Χρυσές ολόχρυσες
ένα γέλιο σαν ένα χρυσό κύμα
αγκαλιάζει το Ηλιοτρόπιο
Δημιουργεί ψευδαίσθηση
Παίζει κρυφτό
ανάμεσα στα φύλλα του
που φτερουγίζουν από έρωτα
Το δάκρυ του βροχή που το χλωμιάζει
ξεθωριάζει, το χρώμα του ξεψυχά αργά αργά
ένα κόκκινο πανί ζητά να σκεπάσει το μυστικό του
να μη δει κανένας το αγκάθι που μάτωσε την καρδιά του
Αερικό ο Έρωτας, άπιαστος χωρίς λογική
εξανέμισε το άρωμα ,την ομορφιά
κάποιου από τα πολλά Ηλιοτρόπια
που παίζουν με τον ήλιο
αλλά Καίγονται…
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Flower Veil
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 150 cm (height) x 90 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
Come and dance with me
I know…you can’t handle it
You want to take control
I will let you, you’ll see
To lead my steps
Your hands
All over my body
Invisible they will be
But I will feel your touch
Into my heart
So sweet you will swing
Like a flame you will move
Our legs will be tangled
Into a secret dance
A tango
Sometimes quietly
Sometimes like they want to cut our flesh
But do not worry my love
You won’t feel pain
You will only hold me
So tight
So you can feel
Every moment
That is so erotic
Come my love
Dance with me
I was waiting for this moment
The night is so close
Annita A.
Έλα να χορέψεις
Ξέρω πως δε θα αντέξεις
Να πάρεις τον έλεγχο θες
Θα σε αφήσω, θα δεις
τα βήματα μου, εσύ να οδηγείς
Τα χέρια σου
στο σώμα μου
αόρατα θα γίνονται ξαφνικά
Μα θα τα νιώθω μες στην καρδιά
Θα αιωρείσαι τόσο γλυκά
Θα κινείσαι σαν την φωτιά
Τα πόδια θα μπλέκονται
Σε μυστικό χορό
Σαν σε τανγκό
Άλλοτε ήσυχα
Κι άλλοτε σχίζοντας τη σάρκα
Μα δε θα πονάς
Μόνο θα με κρατάς
Σφιχτά για να νιώθεις
Το κάθε λεπτό
Που είναι τόσο ερωτικό
Να χορέψουμε λίγο
Περίμενα αυτή τη στιγμή
Η νύχτα κοντεύει να’ ρθει
Annita A.

Artwork Presentation
Title: Watching
Collection: Faces and Characters
Each painting in this collection is signed on the front, a gesture that goes beyond mere attribution; it is a declaration of the deep, personal connection between the artist and each creation. Complementing the vivid imagery, this series features accompanying poems penned by Annita Apostolidou Platis, enhancing the viewer's experience through a blend of visual and literary art.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, enhanced with charcoal pencil and ink details.
Dimensions: 80 cm (height) x 150 cm (length).
Copyright Notice: © 2018 Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
No part of this artwork may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, or used in any form without express written permission from the artist.
Availability: This piece is not currently available for purchase.
Poetic Expression
"I'm watching the hours with doughtiness
It seems that I'm leaving
The truth is I'm staying
Always looking for a familiar glance
to tell me what I want to hear
But lie wins once again..."
Annita A.
"Κοιτάζω με τόλμη τις ώρες
Κάνω πως φεύγω
Μα έλα που μένω
Κι όλο ψάχνω ένα γνώριμο βλέμμα
Να μου πει μια αλήθεια που θέλω
Μα το ψέμα κερδίζει ξανά..."
Annita A.