Part 1.

"As an artist who both paints and writes, I often find myself at the crossroads of visual and verbal expression. This dual journey is not merely about shifting between mediums; it’s about exploring how these forms can echo, reflect, and enhance each other. Each brushstroke and word stems from a place of deep inspiration, where emotions and images meld seamlessly into creations that transcend traditional boundaries."- Annita A.
This is a part of my larger testimonial on the interplay of art and poetry. Stay tuned for the continuation in my next post!
©copyright 2024, Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
Annita Apostolidou Platis
Visual Artist
Painter | Exhibition Essayist | Curator | Fashion and Jewelry Designer | Interior Designer | Poet and Writer
#artist #FemaleArtist #WomenInArt#surrealartist #figurativeartist #painter #Fashiondesigner #jewelrydesigner #digitalartistry #CreativeSoul #PaintersOfInstagram #SurrealWorlds #athens #thessaloniki #milan #barcelona #cairo #lecce #torino #zurich #ArtInnovator #VisionaryArtist #EmergingArtist #UniqueArtwork #artcurator #traveller #thisisme #AnnitaApostolidouPlatis