Part 3.

“This artistic endeavor demands a vulnerability and openness to let inspiration flow freely, whether it be a line of poetry or a color palette. The challenge lies not only in the creation itself but in allowing these different expressions to inform and transform one another. It’s about letting the visual narrative influence the poetic and vice versa, crafting a richer story that neither could tell alone.” - Annita A.
Join me in the next part of our discussion as I share insights into the profound impacts these intertwined creative forms have on both the creator and the audience. The journey continues—stay tuned!
©copyright 2024, Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
Annita Apostolidou Platis
Visual Artist
Painter | Exhibition Essayist | Curator | Fashion and Jewelry Designer | Interior Designer | Poet and Writer
#artist #FemaleArtist #WomenInArt#surrealartist #figurativeartist #painter #Fashiondesigner #jewelrydesigner #digitalartistry #CreativeSoul #PaintersOfInstagram #SurrealWorlds #athens #thessaloniki #milan #barcelona #cairo #lecce #torino #zurich #ArtInnovator #VisionaryArtist #EmergingArtist #UniqueArtwork #artcurator #traveller #thisisme #AnnitaApostolidouPlatis