Part 4.

“To anyone who feels drawn to both art and poetry, my advice is simple: embrace the complexity. Let your creative passions fuel one another, and don’t be afraid to let them lead you into uncharted territories. It is there, in the spaces between, that true artistry is born.” - Annita A.
Grateful for every moment of inspiration and for the opportunity to share these reflections through my work and collaborations, such as the upcoming Art Poetry Book, on October 30th.
This project has allowed me to once again merge the visual with the verbal, showcasing not just my own voice but also the collective voice of a diverse group of artists and poets brought together by the Barbagelata Contemporary Art Foundation @barbagelatafoundation .
As we reach the conclusion of my statement, I encourage all aspiring and established creators to embrace the interplay of art and poetry in their own works. This journey of creation is as challenging as it is rewarding, and it is within these intricate blends that we find new ways to express the inexpressible. Continue to explore, create, and inspire. Thank you all, and stay tuned for the Art and Poetry Book which will be available on October 30th.
©copyright 2024, Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
Annita Apostolidou Platis
Visual Artist
Painter | Exhibition Essayist | Curator | Fashion and Jewelry Designer | Interior Designer | Poet and Writer
#artist #FemaleArtist #WomenInArt#surrealartist #figurativeartist #painter #Fashiondesigner #jewelrydesigner #digitalartistry #CreativeSoul #PaintersOfInstagram #SurrealWorlds #athens #thessaloniki #milan #barcelona #cairo #lecce #torino #zurich #ArtInnovator #VisionaryArtist #EmergingArtist #UniqueArtwork #artcurator #traveller #thisisme #AnnitaApostolidouPlatis