New series of artworks by Annita Apostolidou Platis
"Welcome to "Legends – The Code," a series of ten mixed media digital collages that bridge the past with the present by weaving the tales of mythological women whose stories of strength, resilience, and power echo through the ages. Following my previous collection, "Links," which explored the connectivity between women, nature, mythology, and history, this new series delves deeper into the personas of legendary women who have shaped cultural narratives about femininity and fortitude.
Each artwork, accompanied by a poem, forms a narrative woven from the vibrant threads of ancient mythology, reimagined through a modern lens. As you engage with each piece, you are invited to decode the hidden messages embedded within the canvases, enriching your appreciation of these powerful narratives. This exploration is not merely an artistic journey but a cultural dialogue, enhancing our understanding of how these legendary figures continue to influence contemporary life.
Through this series, I aim to celebrate the legendary past while drawing meaningful parallels to the experiences of modern women, illustrating that the core of human experience remains constant even as contexts change."
Annita A.
All images are protected by copyright.
© copyright 2024 by Annita Apostolidou Platis. All rights reserved.
Annita Apostolidou Platis
Visual Artist
Painter | Exhibition Essayist | Curator | Fashion and Jewelry Designer | Interior Designer | Poet and Writer
#artist #FemaleArtist #WomenInArt#surrealartist #figurativeartist #painter #Fashiondesigner #jewelrydesigner #digitalartistry #CreativeSoul #PaintersOfInstagram #SurrealWorlds #athens #thessaloniki #milan #barcelona #cairo #lecce #torino #zurich #ArtInnovator #VisionaryArtist #EmergingArtist #UniqueArtwork #artcurator #traveller #thisisme #AnnitaApostolidouPlatis